It's a wrap

  • Amelia National Ladies  Golf Association closed out its 2022-23 season with a scramble and luncheon. Submitted photo
    Amelia National Ladies Golf Association closed out its 2022-23 season with a scramble and luncheon. Submitted photo
  • Left, award winners Cantrell, Collins and Martin. Submitted photo
    Left, award winners Cantrell, Collins and Martin. Submitted photo

On Tuesday, May 9, the Amelia National Ladies Golf Association closed out its 2022-23 season with a scramble and luncheon. There are currently 38 members in the LGA, above. More than $250 was collected throughout the year to be given to the Moore-Myers Children’s Fund, which provides financial assistance to underserved children to participate in golf programs. End-of-year awards were presented to Jean Collins, most participation award, 24 rounds; Jean Collins, most points, first place, and Ann Rogers, second; Lady Bernard, most improved player, reduction of handicap index by 3.4 strokes for the season; Tonya Martin, most birdies with 13; and Michelle Cantrell, Ringer Tournament winner. 


New ACLU leader points to ‘urgency of now’


Saying the country is at a “deeply, deeply disturbing” juncture, Bacardi Jackson — a veteran litigator whose civil-rights advocacy is literally in her genes — is taking the mantle as executive dire